American Jerusalem: Jews and the Making of San Francisco

11. März 2016
19:00 Uhr
cph Nürnberg, 90402 Nürnberg

Filmabend im Rahmen der Woche der Brüderlichkeit

Eintritt: frei

Einführung auf Deutsch (Monika Berthold-Hilpert, Kuratorin am Jüdischen Museum Franken & Tanja Roppelt, Direktorin des Levi Strauss Museum Buttenheim)
Filmvorführung auf Englisch

The documetary American Jerusalem (2013) tells the story of the pioneer Jews of San Francisco, who came to California from Germany during the Gold Rush and were crucial in building the city. The film begins in the Nuremberg State Archives, which houses documents that severely restricted the Jews, and in the countryside of Bavaria, where 150 years ago the Jews were second-class citizens denied basic rights. But the roles as peddlers they were relegated to in Germany were highly valued in the Gold Rush. American Jerusalem portrays the rise to prominence and freedom from discrimination, as well as the reinvention to powerful merchants, civic leaders and philanthropists. But this acceptance came as a price, as assimilation put this community in danger of losing its Jewish identity. The film is a tale of identity, tolerance, the lure of the American West, and most of all, the American Dream.

Eine Veranstaltung des Deutsch-Amerikanischen Institus Nürnberg, des cph Nürnberg und The National Center for Jewish Film, USA.


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